Get Involved

A huge part of our initiative is to raise public awareness and we love to get people involved in fundraising. Leigh Network have come up with many ways to raise funds for the charity including race nights, raffles, coffee mornings, open mic nights, pedal dash challenges, colour runs, and most recently, an online art exhibition displaying the art of mito warriors and their families.

There are so many ways you can get involved. Here are some easy peasy ideas for those who love the convenience of online shopping!

You can also nominate us as your charity when selling your unwanted items on Ebay.


  • GIVE AS YOU LIVE It’s so simple to use and each purchase you make generates a donation for Leigh Network Charity at no extra cost to you. You can create an account on the Give as You Live website and pick Leigh Network as your chosen charity. There are 5,500 stores to shop from including Tesco, Sainsbury’s and M&S!
  • EASY FUNDRAISING! Raise money for us simply by shopping online for yourself. Once you have completed your purchase, a small percentage of your spending will go straight to your chosen charity – Leigh Network. This is the same concept as Give As You Live!







If you would like to help raise vital funds for Leigh Network to help us continue the great work that we do in helping others, you can, by coming up with new and interesting ways to have a fundraiser whether it be from the comfort of your own home or out in the community. At the beginning of lockdown, Faye took on a pedal dash challenge, perhaps you can do something similar? Please get in touch!


To help us continue to be able to contribute to the vital research at Newcastle, please donate here;